"It's 10pm - Do You Know Where Your Children Are?" is a phrase I remember vividly from my childhood. It seemed (and still does) that 10pm was the magic number for when the night turned sinister. It's also (most days) the time when I'm able to write. So, without further adieu I give you "It's 10pm".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Online Traffic School

In mid-November I received a ticket for entering a crosswalk while a pedestrian was still crossing. I didn't really think about it at the time (obviously). It came while driving through a school zone, one in which I drive through every day on my (short) drive to work. I've driven this route for approximately 4 years and never had an issue.

For awhile I thought maybe I'd fight the ticket. I wasn't positive the crossing guard was still in the crosswalk (Officer's word vs. mine), but more than that I found the signs confusing. She had lowered her stop sign. The sign in the middle of the road reads "Stop for Children". All was clear and I thought it safe to proceed (I was clocked going 10mph). Nevertheless the law is the law and I thought I'd lose if I went to court.

Soooooo...tonight I decided to suck it up and do online traffic school. Just get the pain over with. I must say, while not fun it's been a revelation compared with 'live' traffic school. My memories of the live version consist of sitting in some cramped, generic hotel conference room with 40 strangers, none of which want to be there. The instructor seemed to thrive on and enjoy his 'power' over the class. No questions unless I call on you. No checking phones. No food. No breathing (ok, I made that up). So, you sit there while he (or she) talks about whatever they want - actual education be damned. It was ridiculous. I can honestly say I learned maybe 2 things. Which brings me back to...

My ticket. At it's core, I'd forgotten an important rule of driving - you cannot enter a crosswalk while a pedestrian is in it. Now, I'm not sure how many people are really aware of this. Truth be told, there are a lot of other rules I could use a refreshing on...and that's exactly what the online version has done. Sign review, safe distances, driving in rain, snow, fog. THIS is what drivers need to learn. If indeed the point is educating drivers I must say I think online has succeeded where the live version has failed. It requires more attention and maybe even a little more time, but in the end I think it's been far more valuable in terms of the $200 donation I've had to make to the state of Arizona.

Anyway, be safe out there. And don't drive through a crosswalk even if a pedestrian has almost exited.


  1. Evan, I just took a look at your article, Online Traffic School, I thought it was very interesting that one of the things you reviewed was driving in snow. How critical is that for the Phoenix area? I only wish I was there today, 8 degrees with wind chill at -20.

  2. Yeah - ditto what John said. We've got 6 inches of snow and anything down to -20 centigrade. On the upside - I've "worked from home" since monday ...

  3. Hi John & Chris!

    Obviously not so much snow in Phoenix proper, but a short 1 hour north you will find Prescott and 2 hours north is Flagstaff. Plenty of snow. So, yes, it does apply at least a little bit.

    That said - it's pretty nice here today! I won't depress you by stating the temp. :) Just know I live vicariously through the pics I've seen. CN - England got pummeled! Lizi's fam send pics.
