"It's 10pm - Do You Know Where Your Children Are?" is a phrase I remember vividly from my childhood. It seemed (and still does) that 10pm was the magic number for when the night turned sinister. It's also (most days) the time when I'm able to write. So, without further adieu I give you "It's 10pm".

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bed: The Best Place on Earth

I think bed might be the best place on Earth. Someone obviously agrees with me, and I'll bet a lot of other people do as well. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-place-on-Earth-is-a-warm-Bed/163328657809

I know we just kind of accept how great it is but I want to give it up for....BED. Warm, cozy, cool pillow (for me). My wife, my kid, sometimes the cat(s), maybe a little late night TV (or early morning Dora). Seriously, it's fantastic.

This link says the bed, in its current form as, well....bed, has been around for about 10,000 years. http://www.bettersleep.org/Mattressology/bed_in_history.asp

I'm calling them out on that. I'm saying beds have been around forever. Since man has slept. Even apes use beds. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1015856,00.html.

I've got to believe the earliest ancestors of modern man appreciated a good bed. A nice, branchy, leafy bed...maybe complete with a rock pillow, and mossy quilt. Mmmm.

Personally, we've got one of those big, king-size, pillow-topped beauties. It's wonderful. I equip my side with a tempurpedic pillow (just made the switch), as well as a big squishy one. I find the contrasting styles to be a pleasant mix.

I've got a light. Books. A clock with an alarm, radio, and thermometer (yeah, seriously). If I just had a refrigerator I could probably live there. Maybe John and Yoko had it right. All you need is love, and all you need is your bed.

Anyway, off to bed....


  1. I have recently come to know this feeling Ev! My mother in law bought us our first pillow topped bed 6 months ago - WOW. I got the bed when I discovered The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brian... so I'm pretty sad not to have that combo anymore :(

  2. I have got to say, you are way off base on this bed thing. Branches? Rocks? These are not bedware. You are a charlatan, sir. Nothing but a charlatan. I suppose your fans drink up your drivel like cult members guzzling kool-aid. But you will not win me over with your seductive words, sir, oh no.

  3. Sorry you had such little time with Conan, Sunny. He's great and I can't wait till he's back.

    TruthMeister - just wait until my next post. I do love The Charlatans. After all, A Man Needs to Be Told :)
