"It's 10pm - Do You Know Where Your Children Are?" is a phrase I remember vividly from my childhood. It seemed (and still does) that 10pm was the magic number for when the night turned sinister. It's also (most days) the time when I'm able to write. So, without further adieu I give you "It's 10pm".

Monday, January 4, 2010

Avatar - 3D IMAX

Lizi and I went to see Avatar at the 3D IMAX tonight. Uh.....WOW! Say whatever you want about the story, acting, characters, etc but it does look absolutely amazing. I actually thought all the above were pretty good and with a running time of approximately 2:40 it flowed pretty well. I tend to think most movies nowadays are too long (keep it under 2 hours, please) but I could certainly see why this had to be longer.

The 3D was quite cool but I'm not sure it added all that much, to be honest. You get used it after a few minutes and there were times I thought maybe I'd enjoy it more without glasses on my face (not that they bothered me but for some reason my eyes did seem a little more tired than after a 2D picture). IMAX was cool but I remember the screen being wider? Maybe I'm just older now.

What can you really say about James Cameron? The guy has some vision. Maybe he doesn't have the aesthetic chops of a Scorsese, or the polish of a Michael Mann, but the guy makes GREAT movies. I'm not sure there's a better all-around director than him. at least nobody comes to mind.

Best movie ever? No. Entertaining and fun to watch? Absolutely, and for that I applaud.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me happy! I love the idea of Evan blogging. Yeah!
