"It's 10pm - Do You Know Where Your Children Are?" is a phrase I remember vividly from my childhood. It seemed (and still does) that 10pm was the magic number for when the night turned sinister. It's also (most days) the time when I'm able to write. So, without further adieu I give you "It's 10pm".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Academy Awards 2010 - A Half-Assed List

It's Oscar time again and I thought I'd take a few minutes to put down some thoughts. There's always so much buildup to something that usually seems so, well, predictable. Who hasn't won before? Who should have won last time? Who won't win this time because they'll probably win in the future? We'll watch the show because we always do, and Lizi loves the red carpet stuff. I think it's fun to watch the awkward walks to the stage after people have won. To me, that's how you tell the surprises - the farther back someone is sitting, the less likely someone else thought it was that person would win. Fun, but predictable.

This year it's Alec Bladwin hosting with Steve Martin. I think that'll be good. I like the idea of the dual-host. It's such a stale kind of show that I think it's good to have two people. Billy Crystal, while funny, had run his course so I'm glad to see they haven't gone back to him. Maybe one day they'll get Ant and Dec (for my US readers, look them up. Ha, I have US readers).

Lizi and I enjoy movies. A long time ago, I wanted to be a director, a writer, editor...whatever. I was even a Media Arts major at UofA. I grew up on The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Ferris Bueller...everything you'd guess of a kid in 1980s America (including Weird Science, the Star Wars films, and Academy Award winner for Best Picture in 1976....ROCKY!) . We don't go to the movies much anymore but we still try. Having a kid makes it tough. Lizi gets there a bit more than I do, as she and her friends sometimes go. I don't have many friends who enjoy going, plus, I'd rather spend my free time playing golf or something.

Here are my picks. It's a 10am list, not 10pm. And I haven't seen a lot of stuff, so yes, it's a half assed list. But I'll make some guesses and see if predictable wins out yet again. I'm just going with the 'major' (I certainly don't mean to discount anything else, I just don't know the films at all) categories because I haven't seen everything, and who am I to say if Il Devo had better makeup than The Young Victoria?

Best Actor - Jeff Bridges
People like him and want him to win. He'll win. Clooney will get his later, I'm sure.

Supporting Actor - Christopher Waltz
He was incredible and should easily win. If he doesn't it just means it's definitely all a scam.

Best Actress - Meryl Streep

Maybe Sandra Bullock but I think Meryl (I call her Meryl, too) wins this time. See above for: who hasn't won in a long time

Supporting Actress - Mo'Nique
Because I don't know who else and this seems like a winner. Going with the predictable factor....

Animated Feature Film - Up
Because I don't think it wins Best Picture. I heard Fantastic Mr. Fox was really good but I didn't see it. I'd like to.

Best Director - Kathryn Bigelow
Reitman will get his. I don't think Cameron wins, and I don't think Hurt Locker wins Best Picture, so I go with Bigelow.

Music Original Song -
The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)
Because T Bone Burnett is cool. That Robert Palmer/Alison Krause album he produced was awesome.

Writing, Adapted Screenplay - Up in the Air
I think this is the one it will win, if just one.

Writing, Original Screenplay - Inglourious BasterdsWritten by Quentin Tarantino
Because the man can write, and I think thought the dialogue was fantastic.

Best Picture (I will give brief run down, if I saw it; winner in bold):
  • Avatar- say whatever you want, it was pretty cool
  • The Blind Side - didn't see it, but heard it was good. I'm sure it was. Not that interested.
  • District 9 - I am in the huge minority of those who didn't like this. I appreciated the idea, and liked the documentary style. Loved the lead guy. But just didn't care for it. Felt like I was supposed to because of it's "message". Sorry, just too in your face for me, and didn't need that. Cool sci fi but not as groundbreaking as I think a lot think it is.
  • An Education - didn't see it; haven't heard much
  • The Hurt Locker - liked this a lot but, like District 9, thought it was a bit overhyped. I personally like Black Hawk Down more, but whatever.
  • Inglourious Basterds - for me, the most entertaining and best made film I saw. Great script, great acting, great story. Just really enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. I think it's the best film he's made since Pulp Fiction.
  • Precious- didn't see it but looks really heavy. I'm sure very good but it won't win.
  • A Serious Man - need to see it; heard it was good. I love that the Coen Brothers just churn movies out. Not everything will be, or needs to be, a masterpiece. It's about telling stories and these guys are the best.
  • Up - I liked it a lot but Best Picture it most certainly is not.
  • Up in the Air - need to see it; Lizi saw it and liked it a lot though not as much as I might have thought she would. Think it got built up a bit. Don't think it wins.
So there you go. Half a list. Probably wrong. Enjoy.....

1 comment:

  1. I love Meryl (she's Meryl to me too), I really hope she wins for Julie/Julia, she was incredible, yet again, at inhabiting a character so completely.

    I thoroughly enjoyed Avatar, and as a movie-going lover, was my favourite theater experience of the year. For my money, that means best Picture.

    But I also enjoyed Inglourious Bastards, and The Hurt Locker as films. So either director wins on my list.

    Hope it's not raining in LA today, like it is here in Scottsdale, and like it did for the Golden Globes. I do, unashamedly, love the red carpet at the Oscars. One day I would be in seventh heaven if I could get a ringside seat.

    Either that.. or be walking down in a fancy gown myself :)
