"It's 10pm - Do You Know Where Your Children Are?" is a phrase I remember vividly from my childhood. It seemed (and still does) that 10pm was the magic number for when the night turned sinister. It's also (most days) the time when I'm able to write. So, without further adieu I give you "It's 10pm".

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kimmel is King (of Late Night)

(She & Him were on Kimmel last night and they played Thieves, from their new album)

Living in the US it was difficult to escape the recent brouhaha regarding Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno and NBC. Even people who were fans of neither Conan nor Jay seemed to have an opinion (most siding with Conan), and it was strange how suddenly "Late Night" seemed relevant again.

Personally, I don't watch it much...anymore. I'm usually not up that late, plus I like to read before bed, so it's rare I watch. I used to be a big fan of David Letterman but found his act got a little tired after a while. Not that it wasn't funny, it just wasn't new. Part of that is Dave himself - you either like him or you don't. I like him but our TV friendship didn't need to last forever. I never really watched Leno, though I know the act. Seriously, his jaw is huge. Some people obviously love him because he consistently beat Letterman (I should say 'beats', because he's doing it again). Anyway, enough with these guys. There's one man I think has risen to the top of the Late Night heap....Jimmy Kimmel.

I first remember Jimmy from Win Ben Stein's Money. He was the host and I remember him being very funny. He seemed like the kid next door, just an average, funny, normal guy. He did The Man Show but I didn't watch it much. Not sure why.

I started watching him a bit again recently, and I must say, I think he's the funniest of the late night comedians. He seems to have a great rapport with his guests and I think he's just as sharp as Conan. His recent bit on Leno was great:

I'd love to see Jimmy eventually replace Letterman, and Conan replace Leno (though I guess they already tried that). In my perfect Late Night scenario that's what would happen, though I suppose then I'd have to choose who watch. As of now I think I'd choose Kimmel, but we'll see what the Masterbating Bear has to say about that....

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